Welcome to Mishtel Contact Center Services!

At Mishtel, we pride ourselves on delivering integrated contact center solutions that redefine customer engagement. Our services are meticulously designed to provide a seamless omnichannel experience, ensuring that every interaction, from voice calls to social media inquiries, is handled with consistency and efficiency. Discover Mishtel Contact Center Services, where we redefine customer engagement through integrated solutions. Our omnichannel approach ensures seamless interactions across various platforms, from voice calls to social media. Leveraging cutting-edge CRM and ERP systems, we provide agents with a comprehensive view of each customer, enabling personalized experiences. Partner with us to transform interactions into strategic growth opportunities and foster long-lasting relationships.

Our Services

Which contact center solution meets your business needs?

Outbound Call Center Solutions

Utilize our outbound call center services to expand your reach and boost sales conversions with expert agents.
Applications: Appointment Setting; Lead Generation; Telemarketing; Data Verification; Surveys; Third-Party Verification

Inbound Call Center Solutions

Never miss a business opportunity again. Our fast and efficient inbound call center ensures prompt response to every call.
Applications: Customer Support; Inquiry Management; Toll-Free Services; Technical Support; Product Information Requests

Automated Solutions

Automated contact centers utilize computer-based systems to handle caller responsibilities.
Applications:Order Processing; Email Assistance; Market Analysis; Billing Support; Live Chat; Product Promotion

Virtual Assistant Solutions

A virtual contact center is a cloud-based operation that runs in remote locations. These types of contact centers are a lot less expensive to manage and give employees the flexibility to work from anywhere.
Applications: FAQ Assistance, Automated Call Routing, Feedback Collection

Omni-channel Solutions

Similar to virtual contact centers, Omni-channel contact centers operate using cloud software. What makes these centers different is that they can connect interactions across multiple channels, including:
Applications: Voice Interactions, Email Correspondence, Social Media Engagement

Our Industry

Unlocking Industry-specific Excellence in Contact Center Support:


Enhance telemedicine, reduce administrative tasks, and ensure regulatory compliance for seamless patient care.


Efficiently manage returns, offer product recommendations, and curate customer reviews for enhanced shopping experiences.

Real Estate

Streamline property bookings, document management, and portfolio oversight to elevate real estate operations.

Banking and Financial

Provide comprehensive financial information, manage account inquiries, and deliver seamless digital banking experiences.

Travel & Hospitality

Handle complaints, offer travel advice, and tailor promotions for unforgettable travel experiences.


Assist with inventory queries, manage loyalty programs, and ensure seamless omnichannel retail operations.


Facilitate course inquiries, support students, and engage alumni for educational success.


Upgrade policies, communicate with policyholders, and provide risk management insights for financial security.

IT & Software

Manage software updates, offer user training, and provide integration support for smooth operations.

Why You Must?

There are many advantages that call centers provide for businesses, including enhanced customer service. Explore the other benefits below:

1. Save money: Hiring a contact center to monitor communications around the clock can be much cheaper than hiring one person to do the same job.
2. Boost customer satisfaction: When a business has a reliable contact center, customers will have a smoother experience, resulting in higher satisfaction and brand loyalty.
3. Enhance your competitive advantage: A 24/7 contact center can give you an edge over a company that doesn’t.

Modern contact centers address a variety of customer and company needs. Contact centers have evolved into inbound or outbound, in-house or outsourced, proactive or reactive, or a mix of options.

How it's Works

Streamlined Service : A Journey to Seamless Contact Center Support

Initial Contact

The process commences when a customer initiates a call to your business. This can occur directly to the contact center or through an integrated app or product.

Engagement with IVR system

Upon contacting the contact center, customers interact with the IVR system, which provides menu options and directs selections via voice or keypad.

Identity Verification

Once the customer is directed to the appropriate agent or department, the representative verifies the customer's identity before addressing their concern.

Resolving the issue

Afterwards, the service agent addresses the customer's concern, adhering to contact center protocols and showing appreciation throughout the interaction.

Interaction and Follow-up

Occasionally, a customer service representative may be unable to resolve an issue during the initial call. In such instances, they will follow up with additional information as needed.

Some FAQ’s

Read Most Frequent Questions.

Mishtel assures inbound call quality through advanced tech and reliable infrastructure. Our platform's scalable architecture minimizes downtime risks, ensuring uninterrupted service. Quality monitoring tools ensure prompt issue identification, delivering a seamless experience.

Mishtel utilizes advanced tools like predictive dialers, ACD, and IVR systems to enhance outbound call management, ensuring optimal call efficiency and agent productivity.

Mishtel's written communication features boost customer engagement, including email, live chat, social media monitoring, and SMS. This facilitates better connection and relationship-building.

Our back-office solutions optimize administrative functions like document management and order processing, enabling core activity focus, cost reduction, and enhanced efficiency.

Our back-office solutions optimize administrative functions like document management and order processing, enabling core activity focus, cost reduction, and enhanced efficiency.

Mishtel assures inbound call quality through advanced tech and reliable infrastructure. Our platform's scalable architecture minimizes downtime risks, ensuring uninterrupted service. Quality monitoring tools ensure prompt issue identification, delivering a seamless experience.

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